Studying China’s Political System and Foreign Relations in the heart of Beijing
Milestones @ SIR
Milestones @ SIR




Establishment of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (UIBE)

Consisting of four department: Political Science, International Politics, Philosophy and Sociology, History and Culture


Establishment of five research institutes: International Energy and Environment Research Center, International Migration and National Security Studies Center, Globalization and Foreign Strategic Studies Center, Localization of Marxism Studies Center and Contemporary Political Development Research Center


Recruiting the first class of international political undergraduate and international students


Expanding the enrollment of international political undergraduate


Renamed as the School of International Relations

Consisting of four departments (Political Science, International Politics, International Political Economy and Diplomacy) and six research institutes (International Energy and Environment Research Center, Center for Economic Diplomacy, International Migration and National Security Studies Center, Soft Power and National Strategy Research Center, Contemporary Political Development Research Center and Big Data Analysis and International Relations Center (2015) )


Primary discipline of Political Science becoming the key developing discipline of UIBE


Establishment of the Department of Economic Diplomacy in International Politics and enrolling in the same year


Granted the approval to conduct postgraduate courses by the Ministry of National Education, including seven secondary disciplines (Political Science Theory, Comparative Political Science, International Relations, International Politics, Diplomacy, Science and Social Affairs and the History of the Communist Party of China) as well as two new secondary disciplines such as International Political Economy.


Establishment of the Department of Public Diplomacy in International Politics and enrolling in the same year


Primary discipline of Political Science becoming the key discipline of UIBE


Recruiting the first class of masters (Political Science Theory, Comparative Political Science, International Relations and Diplomacy) including foreign students


International Political Economy becoming the key developing discipline of UIBE


International Relations becoming the key developing discipline of UIBE


Recruiting the first class of undergraduates of Political Science and Administration (Comparative Political Science)


Getting an assessment of B in the fourth discipline evaluation conducted by Ministry of Education, juxtaposed with famous politic schools such as Wuhan University and Zhongshan University


Granted the approval to conduct doctoral courses by the Ministry of National Education, including seven secondary disciplines (Political Science Theory, Comparative Political Science, International Relations, International Politics, Diplomacy, Science and Social Affairs and the History of the Communist Party of China). Planning to recruit doctoral students in four majors ( Political Science Theory, Comparative Political Science, International Relations, Diplomacy) in 2019




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