Studying China’s Political System and Foreign Relations in the heart of Beijing

In terms of scientific research projects, as of August 2018, the school has successfully applied for 24 national social science fund projects, 17 humanities and social science fund projects of the Ministry of Education, 15 provincial and ministerial research projects, and 60 scientific research projects at the school level. In addition to vertical projects, the school has successfully won 11 horizontal projects from central ministries and local governments. The total amount of funds for the above vertical and horizontal projects amounted to over 8 million RMB.

As of August 2018, our faculty has published 29 papers in A-class CSSCI journals, 48 articles in B-class journals, 163 papers in C-class journals, 12 papers in SSCI-rated journals, and 224 papers in other journals. 18 monographs and 25 research reports have been published. One has received the special distinction of “Important Achievement of the National Social Science Fund”, three have been designated “Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences” by the Beijing city-level authorities, and two have been awarded the “Excellent Achievement in Higher Education Teaching” distinction.

SIR organized 6 international academic conferences, 14 domestic academic conferences, and more than 140 Chinese and international scholars and professionals participated in international exchanges. Our faculty has been frequently interviewed by national media outlets such as China Central Television, China Radio International, Beijing People's Broadcasting Station, People's Daily, Guangming Daily and the People's Forum.

The outstanding academic record of our faculty fully demonstrates the academic advantages and research resources of the school, while creating the favorable conditions for the continuous progress in terms of education, research and talent cultivation.

