Studying China’s Political System and Foreign Relations in the heart of Beijing
International Programmes
Studying @ SIR


SIR offers a range of comprehensive international programmes in Chinese and English at both undergraduate and post-graduate level. Our programmes are tailored to suit the academic needs of the contemporary students of International Relations and Political Science by providing them both the theoretical and methodological instruments for a superior understanding in the field of Politics and International Relations, as well as the Chinese perspectives on global governance.

A large palette of partnering universities is awaiting our students for semester or year-long programmes. Numerous students at SIR have participated in exchange programmes in the United States, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Japan, Norway or Italy.

The faculty of SIR is held high in the national and international academic community with numerous national research projects and academic exchanges abroad. Our academics have conducted collaborative research projects in prestigious universities around the world and published in reputed SSCI and peer-reviewed academic journals. Multiple monographs have been published with internationally renowned publishing houses.

Studying at SIR is not only an educationally rewarding experience, but also a cultural journey in one of the world’s oldest continuous cultures. We have refined our study programmes so that the students will feel immersed not only in the field of Politics and International Relations per se, but also familiarize with China’s contemporary foreign policy and the its engagement in global governance.

