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UIBE’s School of International Relations Successfully Hosts the 4th International Political Economy Forum: Building the New Model of International Relations

UIBE’s School of International relations successfully hosted the 4th International Political Economy High-end Forum on April 21, 2018. Professor Jiang Qingzhe, Party Secretary of the University of International Business and Economics, delivered an opening speech on behalf of the organizer. Secretary Jiang pointed out that, with the continuous development and recent changes of China’s domestic politics, the construction of a new model of international relations and building a shared community of human destiny have become priority goals of the Chinese diplomacy. The new model of international relations proposed by China serves as a complete theoretical system guiding the international relations relations and promoting the common development of the international community. The forum focused on the novel approach of the New Model and conducted in-depth discussions around the relevant opportunities and challenges. The participants deemed it of important theoretical and practical significance.

In the ensuing agenda, the theme of the forum “Building New International Relations: Opportunities and Challenges” comes from Peking University, National Defense University, School of International Relations, Jilin University, Nankai University, Tsinghua University, Diplomatic Academy, CPC Central Party School, and Chinese People. Universities, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China University of Political Science and Law, University of International Business and Economics and other famous universities and research institutes, and a group of experts and scholars representing the top research level of China's international relations academic circles conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges .

The first panel was themed "Building a New Model of International Relations: Ideological Connotations." Professor Dai ChangzhengDean of the School of International Relations, University of International Business and Economics, pointed out that building the new model of international relations will be catalysed by the existing opportunities, including the on-going globalization and the general trend of integration, the need for global governance, and the changes in the world’s political and economic forces. Challenges include anti-globalization voices, trade protectionism, and geopolitical conflicts.Professor Cai Tuo, director of the Institute of Globalization and Global Issues at China University of Political Science and Law, believes that there are two on-going trends in International Relations, namely rational and irrational.In building the new model of international relations, China should comprehensively examine and reflect on the achievements and experiences of the 40 years of reform and opening up, the problems faced and the lessons learnt, while focusing on promoting scientific and technological innovation, social engineering and soft power construction. Professor Liu Jianfei, Executive Director of the International Strategy Institute of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, summarized the major changes in the new international relations relative to the original international relations in terms of content, behavioural models, bi and multilateral relations, main actors, and major contradictions. Professor Liu Xuelian, director of the Institute of Geopolitics and Economics of Northeast Asia of Jilin University, interpreted the construction of the new model of international relations from the perspective of national rational adjustment and pointed out that returning to the true nature of state reason is the main foundation for building the new model of international relations.Professor Fang Changping, deputy dean of the School of International Relations, Renmin University of China, believes that the New Model of International Relations is reflected in the change of cultural understanding of the international system, the change of the primary pursuit of national interests, and the pursuit of values ​​beyond the national interests. Professor Chen Zhirui, Executive Editor of the Diplomatic Review magazine and Professor of Foreign Affairs, emphasized the importance of domestic political decision-making processes and interdisciplinary knowledge in accomplishing the new model of international relations. Professor Chen Qi, director of the China-US Relations Research Center of Tsinghua University, pointed out that, in order to promote the construction of new international relations, we must not only follow the objectives associated with it, but also establish operational norms. Professor Wu Zhicheng, director of the Institute of Global Studies, Nankai University, focused on interpreting the new model of international relations from the perspective of diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. He believes that new international relations should be based on the community of shared human destiny as a form of global governance, with communication and sharing as its main tenets. The concept of regional cooperation should be based on mutual benefit and equity. Professor Pu Wei, School of International Relations, Renmin University of China pointed out that the new model of international relations, a as paradigm with Chinese characteristics, has witnessed a new impetus and it became a priorityin China’s architecture as a major power. Professor Dong Qingling from the School of International Relations, University of International Business and Economics argued that, in the era of global connectivity, building a new model of international relationsshould take into account whether the traditional power structure in today's political operation is still at the center of politics. Prof. Tan Youzhi, School of International Relations, University of International Business and Economics, analysedthe Sino-US trade disputes in relation to constructing a new model of international relations.

The central topic of the second panel of the forum was dedicated to “Building a New Model of International Relations: Achieving a Path”. Professor Wei Ling, director of the China Foreign Studies Research Centre of the School of Foreign Affairs, argued that building a new model of international relations can be analysed in a three-folded manner: equal participation, democratic consultation, and rules-based justice. Professor Sun Xuefeng, executive vice president of Tsinghua University's Institute of International Relations, used the Cold War as a reference framework and manifested his hopes that the new model of international relations will provide a good foundation for global development. Wang Zhengyi, director of the Department of International Political Economy at Peking University,awarded with the Yangtze River Scholars distinction, pointed out that the Chinese paradigm, the Chinese road, and the Chinese program for building a new type of international relations can refer to the lessons learned from the ASEAN integration. Prof. Zhou Qi,Department of American Studies, China Academy of Social Sciences, interpreted the latest developments in the Sino-US trade disputes and argued that Sino-US trade disputes have transcended the traditional trade level and reflect the development of Sino-US relations. Researcher Zhang Yuyan, director of the Institute of Global Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out that, since the Sino-US relations have entered a period of qualitative change, building a new type of international relations should avoid the further deterioration of the Sino-US relationship into confrontation. Professor Lin Limin fromthe School of International Relations focused on the latest developments in the Korean Peninsula and argued that the Korean Peninsula will continue to play a major role in the Sino-US relations.Professor Tang Yongsheng, deputy dean of the National Security College of the National Defense University, stated that the direction of international relations cannot be simply classified as old and new, and various factors play a comprehensive role to jointly determine the future of international relations. Professor Liu Feng, deputy dean of Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University, analysed the development trend of the Sino-US strategic competition under the background of constructing a new model of international relations. Professor Xiong Lili from the School of International Relations, University of International Business and Economics, mentioned that,according to the new model of international relations, the international system should start playing a more reconciliatory role. Such a development path would lead to the consolidation of the new model of international relations.

Prof. Dai Changzheng, Dean of the School of International Relations, University of International Business and Economics, concluded that, in order to produce solid research, the forumhas successfully gathered top Chinese academics, a practice which will continue in the coming years.Analysing the latest issues in the field of international relations, promoting research in related fields through in-depth exchanges and discussions, and providing intellectual support for China's diplomatic decision-making and strategy formulation will continue to be top priorities for the School of International Relations.


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