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Cultivating Global Talents in International Governance—School of International Relations Launches its Global Governance Master Programme

As China’s role in the global arena is increasing at a dramatic pace, the Chinese characteristics of major power diplomacy have gained prominence. In response to the call of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the implementation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China’s strategy, under the strong leadership and vigorous cultivation of the Party Committee and careful planning and cooperation of the Graduate School, the Admissions Office and the School of International Relations, the first batch of graduate students in of the Global Governance Programme will be recruited in 2019. The program sets to explore domestic and international theories of global governance and globalization in the field of international politics.

The Global Governance Programme will focus on developing cosmopolitan talents with a global vision and a high degree of internationalization. It will open future employment opportunities in international organizations such as the United Nations, international Non-Governmental Organizations, regional international organizations, multinational corporations and foreign affairs departments. The coursework will address a multidisciplinary curriculum consisting of economics, law, management, political science and other related disciplines. The faculty is expected to reunite nationwide academics, United Nations officials, Chinese government officials as well as top public servants from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Liaison Department of the Communist Party of China. The graduates are expected to master three languages at the end of the programme and benefit from more than half a year of internships in international organizations and foreign affairs departments during their studies.

As China is increasingly becoming a leader and innovator in the field of global governance, it will become even more urgent to cultivate global governance talents. In this regard, it is of great practical significance for the School to recruit outstanding talents for the Global Governance Master Programme.
