Studying China’s Political System and Foreign Relations in the heart of Beijing
Department of International Politics
Assoc.Prof.Liu Ruonan

Dr. LiuRuonan

Associate Professor

Education background:

2012.8-2016.7: Majored in Political Science, School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, Ph.D.

2014.9 -2015.9: Department of Political Science, University of California, San Diego, United States, Joint Training;

2014.2-2014.7: Served as a visiting scholar of the Department of International Relations and International Organizations, University of Groningen, Netherlands;

2009.9-2011.7: Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University, majored in International Politics with a master's degree.

2005.9-2009.7: Bachelor of International Politics, Tsinghua University.




Research Fields:

East-Asian International Relations, International Security and International Relations Theory.



Advanced Studies of International Relations

General Theory of Contemporary International Relations

Comparative Political Economy


Major Publications:

1. “Sub-regional Security Order and the Following Strategy of Small Countries”, World Economy and Politics, No.11, 2017

2. “From Obama to Trump: U.S. Southeast Asia Policy Outlook”, Research on American Issues, No.2, 2017.

3. “Security Competition among Major Powers and Regional Strategic Transformation of Southeast Asian Countries”, World Economy and Politics, No.4, 2017.

4. "Contending Ideas on China's Non-alliance Strategy”( write in collaboration with Liu Feng), The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Vol.10, No.2, 2017.

5.“Regime Security First: Explaining Vietnam’s Security Policies towards the United States and China (1992-2012)”(write in collaboration with Sun Xuefeng), The Pacific Review, Vol. 28, No. 5, 2015.

6. “How American Authority Shapes the Foreign Strategy of Asia-Pacific Allies”, Contemporary Asia-Pacific, No.4, 2015.

7. “The Unipolar Trend of the United States from the Perspective of Hierarchy”(write in collaboration with Sun Xuefeng, Ouyang Xiaomeng), Diplomatic Review, No.2, 2015.

8. “Path Analysis of the Decline of Regional Hierarchical System”, World Economy and Politics, No.12, 2014.

9. “Progress and Dilemma of Neoclassical Realism: on "Neoclassical Realism, State and Foreign Policy ", International Political Science, No.2, 2010.

10. "China's Maritime Strategy: Retrospect and Prospect"(write in collaboration with Liu Feng), China International Studies, vol.34, 2012.

11. “Cultural Diplomacy between China and the Netherlands, Sino-European Cultural Diplomacy and Its Influence” (edited by Zhang Lihua and Wang Liang), Intellectual Property Publishing House, July 2014.

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