Studying China’s Political System and Foreign Relations in the heart of Beijing
Department of International Politics
Assoc. Prof. WANG Haibin


Prof. WANG Haibin

Associate Professor 


Prof. Wang Haibin’s main research interests cover Japan’s foreign policy and the evolution of the Sino-Japanese relations. He authored several articles focusing on Japan’s changing political climate and the evolution of Japan’s foreign policy. He teaches “Japan’s Politics and Economy” and “Politics and Economy in Developing Countries” at the University of International Business and Economics.


Educational Background

2008: School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University
Research Interests

Contemporary Japan’s foreign policy, Post-war Sino-Japanese relations and Global governance
Politics and Economy in Developing Countries;
Global governance and national security

International Case-studies of Multilateral Negotiations; Selected Topics in Japanese Politics

Major Publications

1. Wang Haibin, The Trends, Intentions, and Impacts of Japanese Diet Members’ Visits to Taiwan, International Forum, No.1, Jan. 2014.

2. Wang Haibin, On Japan’s Whale Diplomacy, Contemporary International Relations, No.10, Oct. 2011.

3. Wang Haibin, Dai Changzheng, Global Refugees and Establishment of Mechanism for Refugees, Teaching and Research, No.6, Jun. 2011.

4. Wang Haibin, Japan’s Pro-Taiwan Diet and Their China Decision-making process, Contemporary International Relations, No.12, Sep. 2010.

5. Wang Haibin, Cai Liang, The Tendency of Taiwan Policy after the Democratic Party of Japan Assuming Office,International Forum, No.2, Mar. 2010.

6. Wang Haibin, Cai Liang, A Tentative Analysis of “Nikkakon” and Its Influence on Sino-Japanese Relations, Japanese Studies, No.5, Sep. 2009.

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