Studying China’s Political System and Foreign Relations in the heart of Beijing
Department of International Politics
Assoc. Prof. SHI Xianze


Prof. Shi Xianze

Associate Professor


Prof. Shi Xianze lectures on topics related to the European Union and Public International Law. He writes extensively on the American and European perspectives in International Relations and the role played by the intellectual elites. Prof. Shi holds a PhD from Renmin University of China.






European Union: Economy and Politics;

Public International Law.



Selected Topics in the Politics and Economy of the European Union.


Education Background

2006-2009: PhD in International Relations from Renmin University of China

2003-2006: MA in International Relations from Central China Normal University

1999-2003: BA in Politics from Central China Normal University


Research Interests

History of International Relations; European Union Politics, especially Normative Power in Europe; Economic Governance in the European Union.


Major Publications

1. “The Great Debates and the Construction of the Self-Image of the History of International Relations Discipline”, World Economics and Politics, No.3, 2013, pp.134-153.

2. “The Progress and Reflections on the Western Study of the History of the International Relations Discipline”, International Politics Quarterly, Vol.33, No.2, 2012, pp.108-124.

3. “European International Relations under the Pressure of American Intellectual Hegemony: Internal Diversity of Choices and Effects Difference of European International Relations”, Chinese Journal of European Studies, Vol.26, No.6, 2008, pp.17-33.

4. “On International Cooperation Study from the Perspective of the Disciplinary History of International Relations”, Foreign Affairs Review, No.104, 2008, pp.102-109.

5. “American Intellectual Hegemony in the Discipline of International Relations”, International Forum, Vol.9, No.6, 2007, pp.35-41.

6.”Research on international cooperation from the perspective of science and history of international relations: a one-way correlation analysis", Diplomatic Review, No.4, 2008;

7.”American knowledge hegemony in international relations: generation mechanism, maintenance mechanism and its impact assessment”. International Forum, No.6, 2007.

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